
María Teresa Victoria (1969) has been working as an English teacher for Official Language Schools in Junta de Andalucia, Spain, since 1993. For more than thirty years she has been implementing emotional intelligence activities in the classroom in an attempt to provide feelings of belonging and significance that build up her students’ self-confidence in foreign language usage. Her postgraduate Masters in Emotional Intelligence and Mindfulness at the Faculty of Psychology (University of Málaga, 2019) was a turning point on a personal and professional level. Amongst other creative works that followed up she gave shape to “Be Mindful: one easy guide on reducing anxiety and coping with examination stress”.

Libros escritos

Be mindful, libro de María Teresa Victoria

Be mindful

This guide was originally designed and tailored to teach ESL students in Spain (Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas) some useful tools and strategies to destress and focus during exam period

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Emotional Intelligence for ESL Classrooms is my contribution to English language teaching. Rather than aiming at writing this book, the activities shaped themselves one day into the form of this book after completing my doctoral studies in Emotional Intelligence and Mindfulness at the University of Málaga., libro de María Teresa Victoria

Emotional intelligence speaking activities for ESL classrooms

Emotional Intelligence for ESL Classrooms is my contribution to English language teaching. Rather than aiming at writing this book, the activities shaped themselves one day into the form of this book after completing my doctoral studies in Emotional Intelligence and Mindfulness at the University of Málaga.

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Be mindful, libro de María Teresa Victoria

Be mindful

This guide was originally designed and tailored to teach ESL students in Spain (Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas) some useful tools and strategies to destress and focus during exam period

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Emotional Intelligence for ESL Classrooms is my contribution to English language teaching. Rather than aiming at writing this book, the activities shaped themselves one day into the form of this book after completing my doctoral studies in Emotional Intelligence and Mindfulness at the University of Málaga., libro de María Teresa Victoria

Emotional intelligence speaking activities for ESL classrooms

Emotional Intelligence for ESL Classrooms is my contribution to English language teaching. Rather than aiming at writing this book, the activities shaped themselves one day into the form of this book after completing my doctoral studies in Emotional Intelligence and Mindfulness at the University of Málaga.

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